The Complete M+ Tank Tier List for the Dragonflight Expansion in World of Warcraft
Get ready for the Dragonflight expansion of World of Warcraft with this comprehensive M+ tank tier list. It covers a range of powerful characters from Protection Warrior to Brewmaster Monk, giving you an overview of each class's potential in the game. Find out which character is right for you and start making your way through the content!
Posted by Kyle Bonar on

Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0 Double XP Now Live!
Infinity Ward has announced that double XP will be live in both the game and its battle royale spin-off, Warzone, from now until December 2nd.
Posted by Kyle Bonar on

Elden Ring clocks in at around 30 hours (YAY)
The length of a game is an inexact science. Give me a huge, teeming world that I can get lost in, and I'll blow playtime estimates out of the water just strolling about and appreciating the sights. A little quick experience, on the other hand, may be every bit as thrilling.
Posted by Kyle Bonar on